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Garage Openers

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Garage Openers

Over the past few decades with the increase in crime and the value of cars rising garage openers have become increasingly popular, while they have been around for some time it is just over the past 20 years or so that their popularity has increased. In part for security and partly for the convenience now most homes have the convenience of a garage door opener to allow the driver to enter a dry secure garage before getting out of the vehicle. With the rise in popularity comes an increase in technology and features as well higher quality units that offer a longer life span than their predecessors. When choosing the right garage openers for you there are a lot of factors you should take into consideration, while budge is always at the forefront of many peoples thoughts it should not be the only influencing factor when choosing the right garage opener.

Garage openers have a reputation for not lasting very long but much of that reputation is based on homeowners not taking the time to choose the right opener for the job. Then when their garage opener fails they must go buy another one, it is much more economical to buy one good one that is up for the job than to buy several smaller ones that are not. This then is one of the most important considerations, when you look at garage openers you should find ones that are suited to the job that you need it do. You should take into consideration the size and weight of your garage door as well as how often it will be used. Make sure you buy the heaviest duty one that you can afford but it is equally important to make sure that it is at minimum rated for the size and weight of the door it will be attached to. If you choose something smaller not only will you be replacing it much sooner but you are also risking injury or damage to your car should the opener break at the wrong time. There are three different types of garage door openers, while each one has its own benefits which one you choose will depend on the conditions you are installing it into as well as your budget.

The chain drive garage opener is the most common and likely the one you will be most familiar with. This type of garage opener is also the most economical, so if you are on a budget this is probably the one that you will want to choose, the only problem with the chain drive is that is loud, but if that is not a problem this opener will work good for you. A belt drive is by far the most popular, this is because they are both dependable and quiet, its only draw back is that it will cost you more than a chain drive but if you want a quiet garage door opener this is the one for you. Screw drives are usually not a good choice for anyone shopping for garage openers, they are slow, noisy and don’t work well where the weather is either too hot or too cold. If you would like to know more about garage openers and look at some of the models available take a look at the AAA Remotes website, they offer a wide array or remotes and replacement parts as well as some high quality garage openers.

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